
Friday, May 15, 2009

Aint you tired of Water Scams?

Sometimes i grow weary of reading pamphlets churned out by new water-product companies in Malaysia. What is really annoying are those that keep talking about "energy water" and "oxygen water".
Energy water as it turns out are nothing more than putting some minerals into the water, pretty much like mineral water ...minus the naturalness and goodness. If you put in salt also you can call it Energy water since it does differs in its conductive behavior.

Next we have Oxygen water by parties who claim that they put in a whole lot more of oxygen into the water and that kills cancer etc, certified by Jabatan apa apa. Utter nonsense, water is called H2o for a reason, not H2o2 or H203. Diluting more oxygen into the water is only useful if you are using ur lungs to breath water, else its useless. Total scam. They should try and sell this in the water Association or get certification of how useful the "oxygen" is in the water for health purpose and get their ass kicked.

This is also similar to the "phiteen" or whats that brand again, our famous shuttler wore the necklace soaked with Diluted titanium (and lost badly). Again, look up youtube and see how the "physical tricks" are used to con people into thinking that such stuff works. (btw u can get a cheap RM 5 phiteen in DAISO IOI puchong , it works the same, same story on titanium dilution, har har har)

The theory is simple. Lets take the weigh lifting demo for example.
1. A participant is asked to carry the weight of an object in a certain position of the arms. He found that is was hard.
2. The participant now is asked to wear this "brand" x necklace or ring or whatever u can think of.
3. The participant again now tries to carry the same object. He now finds it much easier to do so! So the "brand" must contains some power or a catalyst for power!

Rubbish! Here are the explanation :-

When the person first does the demo, he has no idea what is the object and how much strength is required to perform it. So the brains tries and increases its strength to lift up the object. The person felt that it was hard to do.
When the person does it the 2nd time, his brain already knew the amount of effort that was required to do it and thus immediately that effort was used and so it was much easier when the person tries it the 2nd time.

This trick works the same for performing certain position feats before and after putting on some craps.



Unknown said...

seems you quite expert in water filter, may i know your comment about Pensonic water system which is thousand++ and also cosway water system...... my house using cosway and my bro house using pensonic. since u didnt mention both of this water system, so i just ask you abt the opinion...

Narrow Road said...

what are the exact models?

Unknown said...

cosway is Hexagon Hi-Energy Structured Water System, model cant find...

Pensonic is PFS-6...Natural pure water system....

Narrow Road said...


For the cosway, the name "hi-energy" is already misleading, so there is really nothing to it,
as for pfs-6, its not very diff from diamond or any other filters out there, 6 filters are actually redundant
On Paper wise,the philips filter with the UV is a better buy.

mina said...

What is your comment of BACFREE STAINLESS STEEL BS Series?

mina said...


At the point of entry, what is your advice membrane or sand filtration system?

Anonymous said...

So impressed by this comprehensive and technical knowledge on water quality!

How about putting your thoughts to the powers that be? The Minister for Water has a blog:

Punita N Naidu said...


Despite receiving many flyers promoting filters...rarely we see critical write ups.

I notice you are focusing on the filter at the tap...what if I want to filter water into the house at main source. I just don want to see cold tea out of tap...i prefer making it myself

Narrow Road said...

the ministry? if they are serious, sure i can talk to them, but hey politics and truth have a long history of conflicting stand.

nona : filtering at the source i think i mentioned somewhere already, u just need a dirt and clorin filter , nothing fancy, anything else that is fancy is bs.

Narrow Road said...

mina :

membrane, hmm, theory wise is a very good filter, but there are so many kinds of membrane, if you are referring to main source or kitchen sink, the differences is huge

Joshua Khoo said...

hi there! love your insights. i was tempted to get one of those Nesh Ozone water filter. Costs RM2200. I actually already have a Panasonic simple filter, but got tired of boiling water...

anyway, after reading your blog, i have decided to look into the Philips one. :) will go shopping soon!

Anonymous said...

The newest phenomenon in the society of physical condition has become the most recent way to strengthen your overall well-being at the push of a button. By using a system called electrolysis, alkaline water machines supposedly separate the positively and negatively charged molecules in the water. Depending on the setting, this separation of molecules will deliver either alkaline or acidic water.
Home Water Purifiers

Unknown said...

Anybody can comment on RX-Water water system? Price quite steep, about Rm 3200+ ...

Anonymous said...

For those who had already bought certain ( Narrow Road puts it) and expensive filter for your home/office uses, there is actually a brand product unlike any other coming into M'sia soon. Probably by year-end. No bs and fancy intro..just simple technology and no more guessing of your water quality!
Will pose when it's ready for demo.


0s0-Pa said...

When it comes to water and scams, yeah, I'm a little weary too. Even all the so-called "environmentalists" make me think twice about what they are saying.
-Jackie @ sediment control

Unknown said...

I've got some datails on the best water filters and yourr so great and very creative person. Very impressive.

Unknown said...

It is a good idea to know about the right kind of water cleaning machine that will suit your requirements so that it delivers satisfactory service without needing a lot of maintenance, efforts and money.
Clean Water Filters

Unknown said...

I love good clean water. I am looking into buying a filter. It makes a world of difference.
Bill |

a.n.n.e said...

Hi, need your opinion on the Brita water filter? I think this is a good low price products.