Here is the device from Hanna Instruments, HI 98301, which i will be using to get the results from various water filter products, unlike the basic models used by most RO sales people this device is on the higher end. Complete with the calibration liquid (which u need to use to reset the device if the reading begans to sway). Total cost me around RM 300...

Manufacturer | PPM readings |
Pandan indah tap water | 32** |
Ampang tap water | 32-34 |
Boiled water from (pandan/ampang) | 35-36 |
Puchong tap water | 40 |
Diamond water on Ampang | 33 |
Amway Water Treament | *pending test |
Nesh Water | *pending test |
Pensonic Twin filter on Pandan | 34 |
Panasonic PJ3RF on Pandan | 32-33 |
Pensonic Twin + Panasonic (combined) | 32 (without carbon block on pensonic, both poly)** |
Cactus mineral water (Esso station) | 70 |
Spritzer | 80 |
EconSave 0.20c Mineral Water | 117 |
RO Water “water factory” | 0 |
Delcol RO Water Unit (not serviced yet) | 6 |
Delcol RO Water Unit | 0 |
Distilled Water from Petrol Station | 0 |
Conclusion : None of the water filter are able to filter anything significant when it comes to dissolved chemicals, except the activated Carbon filtration of chlorine and the dirt filtration of raw sediments, mud, rust and sand (except RO water filters). None of the water filter adds any minerals that is significant to the readings.
**May 26, 2007 : Now i seriously recommend using the combo unit of Pensonic + Panasonic, however, do not use the default Pensonic /Nishimen carbon block, for some reason when using the carbon block, the PPM readings goes up by 2. Eg, 32(tap water) to 34 (after filter). This is however NOT a normal filter behaviour,
because on a Panasonic model PJxx that comes with carbon filters, the readings does NOT go up.
Use both poly filters on the Pensonic, route it to the Panasonic for carbon filtering.
See here for how it to make such a unit.
Hi, all you good people out there. Don't waste your hard earned money on these useless and potentially harmful "water filters".
Good, clean and great virgin natural water is from the Heavens: Rain.
If you don't believe me, collect from fresh rainwater in a clean vessel and measure the TDS, pH and whatever other parameters you want and see for yourself.
Caution though: like any source of drinking water, rainwater must be treated to render it pathogen free before drinking and boiling or pasteurizing (65C for at least 6 minutes)is good enough
dear magneto,
out of curiosity..what is the safe level of it somewhre between 30-32?..if true, then that Spritzer's PPM level of 118 is just not safe?
and how about Joven Water Purifier? (which only use Powdered Activated Carbon and 3 Layer Non-Woven Fabric?)
PPM measures soluble chemicals in the water, it does not differentiate nor able to tell which are the chemicals involved.
In mineral water such as spritzer, the PPM is expected to be at least > 60, due to the fact that it has "minerals" in the water.
However if u get something like 60 ppm in house tap water, that is a totally different story. **danger**
Hey bro. Good blog and educational.
The TDS meter you use and the way you interpret them might not be fully correct actually.
PPM meant parts per million. it is a measurement unit.
So, the PPM you are measuring, i supposed it is TDS or Total Dissolved Solid.
My line of work involve me using a few water quality meter from hanna and there are parameters that we look for to check on the groundwater we are monitoring.
They range from temperature, pH, conductivity (which then converted to TDS via simple formula)and redox potential.
I agree that those mineral water has higher level of TDS because well, they are "mineral" water.
Also, we have to use distilled water to decontaminate our equipments and also as a "control parameter" as distilled water are supposed to be "pure" and you will be suprised that we even find petroleum contamination inside these distilled water...
Keep it going bro!
ps- i have a waterco master filter and has no other indoor units. used to have twin generic filter in my old place but decided not to use any in the new place. :)
hi, according to source from wikipedia, the soft water have hardness reading around 0-60 mg/ml (ppm). Softening the water is about to reduce the adverse effect and that can be done by boiling the water.
Wow so nice! Living thing depends upon water for survival. In the modern technologies water filter gives to bacteria can flourish in water, and it helps keep water purified. I like this site. Keep it working every day.
Ice Machine
I have read a few of your posts on DIY water filter talking about TDS, PPM, research and etc. They are interesting stuff indeed. One thing that i think can assist on your finding on water ppm reading is by knowing further on the materials that have influenced on the ppm. This might be proven by thorough lab test.
Measuring ppm alone wont justify the quality of the drink water. Appreciate if there is valid information on the the carbon effect from pensonic twin filter to the water, is it a safe reaction despite showing higher ppm.
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